joining the Role Model List!!!!

Oh my god!!!!!! i’m on the news!!!!! I feel like i’m not that super good enough to be a role model for other youths yet, but the the time comes sooner than expected as they called and said to me ” Khema, We have found out that you have been a great role model for Cambodian students and Youths!! Can we feature you on the LIFT page of the Phnom Penh Post as a student of the week?”. I was over the moon and couldn’t still believe that I can now join that role model list!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, i make it sooner than I had dreamed to be!!!

What’s even more exciting is when they asked ” May we call your mum? Well…just to tell her about what we/and our society think of/feel about you. and Ask her how she feels about you…”!!!!! I said “yes please”!!!!! I hope she would now understand the value of why her child has been doing when she has almost never stay home during the weekend or barely sleep at night for!!!!! and hopefully, she’ll know that she’s been a great mother to have raise such kid!!!!

Thanks mum!!!!! and Thanks the person who recommended me to the Post, and thank the Post & reporter for choosing me to join your role model list!!!!!

I do hope that I can inspire even one person in this world through my work and journey!!!!!!!

and here’s the full article on Phnom Penh Post  : Student of the Week : NARA Sokhema

Student of the Week : Nara Sokhema

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